Chris McNally. Photo courtesy of the Hallmark Channel

‘When Calls The Heart’ trends on social media highlighting fan favorite actor Chris McNally

1 min read

Despite no longer being paired with the protagonist of the series, “When Calls The Heart” actor Chris McNally continues to be a fan favorite and his character on the show, “Lucas Bouchard,” was trending on X (formerly Twitter) over the weekend with 11.3k posts. 

In a recent interview with Deidre Behar of Entertainment Tonight, McNally was asked if his character would find happiness in season 11.

“No, not in a romantic way.He’s really doing everything in his power to save Hope Valley from the times that are changing and just the way that things are shifting landscape-wise with the town and the economy …,” McNally said. “So he’s trying to fight his way up this giant mountain and doing everything in his power to look out for Hope Valley… He’s focused on protecting the future… He is quite busy in that regard and I think that certainly helps him get through this period. But it’s definitely not an easy period because he’s just getting hammered from all different directions.”

You can tune in to “When Calls The Heart” Sunday nights at 9 PM EST on Hallmark Channel and stream the next day on Peacock network.

Jimmy Reno

Jimmy Reno has always had a passion for the creative arts. Singing and writing have been at the forefront of his career. A professional Christian country singer and songwriter, he discovered his love for writing and journalism later on. Working as a freelance journalist in addition to his music, he contributes to the Daily Planet. An avid, life-long Superman fan, discovering the Daily Planet and contributing to it, was a dream come true.


  1. Chris McNally is definitely a fan favorite! I don’t think the writers realized how much until they created a hornet’s nest by completely upending the storyline in WCTH in Season 10. Thanks for the Article.

    • Chris is a wonderful actor and he displays it in every scene. However what the writers have done to his character and his storyline will end up destroying this show!!

      • Concordo, gli autori hanno sbagliato secondo me a separare Elisabeth e Lucas. La storia di Lucas poteva essere raccontata ugualmente senza distruggere e senza separare la coppia.

      • No it won’t because there are also a whole lot of fans who don’t watch the show for one character, but, love the show as a whole fir all the characterd. I love Chris McNally but he did not make or create this show. He’s a nice addition but this entire show isn’t just about him. It’s a wonderful show even if some don’t like the change. They have easily survived worse. This will not ruin the show….perhaps for some but if he is the only reason people watch it then so be it! TV shows make these kinds of changes all the time…and the show goes on.

      • I agree!! Season 9 was so lovely and positive! Little Jack finally had a father figure. I don’t really understand why the writers felt it necessary to destroy that after spend several seasons building it.

  2. C’est évident que Chris (Lucas) est le grand favori des fans. Il est l’étoile de cette série et il mérite qu’on lui offre un rôle a la hauteur de son immense talent. Saison 10 a été méchante avec lui et nous espérons que saison 11 sera plus clémente car si on le pousse à partir en lui offrant un rôle insignifiant, il partira et ce sera la fin d’une belle série. Alors, réflexion et bon jugement de la part de la production et des auteurs.

  3. Appreciate Chris lifestyle characteristics he brings to the roles he plays. On When Calls The Heart he is the full package, talent, looks, full of surprises, and follows his true self in his beliefs.
    Whatever the reason for changing our Camelot story line, which is the essence of Hallmark viewers who long awaited the future possibilities…is genuinely heartfelt.
    But hopeful the writers will pave the way for the new love fitting for the Governor!

  4. Chris McNally’s character Lucas Bouchard gives a different vibe to Hope Valley. With his good looks and outstanding performance, Chris definitely is a favorite.

    • We are thrilled Chris has a new movie coming out next month on Hallmark, and his fans are pushing that this will be the start of many more!

  5. I have been a fan of When Calls The Heart since season 1. I was disappointed when Jack was killed off and now with the break up of Lucas and Elizabeth. It was the way both happened basically just abruptly changing the narrative dramatically no warning. Elizabeth needs to find her person again and finally get married again. This love triangle has gone on too long.

  6. Chris McNally has always been my favorite actor as Lucas Bouchard. I was disappointed when he and Elizabeth broke up but the story must go on. I really would like to see Fiaona come back and end up with Lucas! She is also one of my favorites.

    • I agree! I miss Elizabeth and Lucas together. Nathan and Elizabeth just don’t fit. Their is no excitement with them . Elizabeth can’t seem to make up her mind on who she wants. It’s getting annoying!

    • I would like to see Lucas’ storyline arc toward him developing a relationship with Faith. Find a home for the child, and continue to have Elizabeth and Nathan flounder while Lucas and Faith build a very happy and long-term relationship while he has a successful political career.

  7. There are many reasons Chris is a favorite-but aside from those, Lucas is an exceptional character. The writers didn’t do themselves any favors by jerking him around. It makes Elizabeth look like a weasel and I’m already annoyed that it looks like they are trying to make him look like a bad guy retroactively.

  8. Chris McNally is a favorite for sure. Don’t like the love triangle.Bring her a new partner not either one of them. Thank you.

  9. Chris’ character, Lucas, is a great character. Maybe he and
    the doctor could find love! I’m just class the show is going back to Elizabeth being with Nathan, the Mountie! I was a When Calls the Heart fan before the show. Elizabeth loved her Mountie for life!!!

    • Elizabeth looks like a double minded woman who doesn’t know what she wants or what true love is when she is supposed to be an intelligent independent woman who comes to Hope Valley to make a difference. The writers should have just let her choose Nathan from the beginning instead the ups and downs and the constant going back and forward between the two that, further allows Elizabeth to come across as emotionally.and very indecisive. Nathan character isn’t very honorable still pursuing Elizabeth after she supposedly chose Lucas. She doesn’t deserve Lucas who truly loves her for he only wants her happiness even if it’s not with him. But I hope Elizabeth will be happy with Nathan and vice versa.

  10. I love Chris in anything he performs. He has a gentle yet commanding approach in his roles, especially WCTH. His good looks don’t hurt either. Enjoy his role as Lucas, especially his romantic side. That relationship had so much more story to tell especially with his position now as governor.

  11. No longer watch, nor do most I know. Lucas and Elizabeth belonged together.

    Maybe writers will finally realize they have to being them back together.

  12. Agree Chris is a favorite of all on the cast.
    I am getting tired of the Erin story love line story. Enough already.

  13. We have admired Chris’s acting skills for years but his current storyline really showcases his talent and dedication to his craft. He has had to transform the dashing and leading man Lucas Bouchard into a heartbroken, worn out and ailing Governor who is recovering from near fatal injuries but still trying to do what’s best for the town. It is some of his most challenging but best work since joining the show.

    • I Totally agree, Joan!! Chris has become the best actor & character on WCTH, Period!! Lucas just continued to grow, & E continues to regress…Her sorrow for J is still with her. And Nathan may love her, but is clueless concerning how to be a dad & now a husband??

  14. It’s too bad that Elizabeth and Lucas broke up. I can’s see her with the Mountie. No sparks there. He seems like such a bore.

  15. I have quit watching WCTH. Have tried to watch this season but Elizabeths character has turned me off completely. Love Chris and don’t mine the breakup but hope he finds somebody better. That 5 year triangle was too much. Season nine drove me crazy dragging things out, and I really cut back watching on 10. I get mad that they really messed up a good show. Chris is definitely my favorite now. Loved Daniel too.

  16. I only watch scenes where Elizabeth isn’t in them I prefer someone with more than two emotions and expressions and isn’t insipid. The rest of the case, particulary Rosemary and Lucas are true actors with a wide range of talent.

  17. I’m really mad
    I’m tired if these writers making unwanted changes. They get us attached certain characters and then change the whole
    scenario! Elizabeth was raised in fashion and woukd make a great govenors wife. They could still be very involved in Hope Valley and their friends. Bring a whole new dimension to the story that would eventually go stale otherwise.

    • I Totally Agree, Carol! @Hallmark Channel. Please listen to your viewers!!

  18. In my opinion, they have ruined the show! Lucas and Elizabeth had a beautiful love story, and we had hoped there would be a wedding, consistent with how the story line was progressing. It is disappointing that new writers can come in and upend the direction of a beautiful love story. Though I like Nathan, he and Elizabeth do not have the chemistry. Lucas needs a woman who truly loves him. Hallmark…..wake up!

    • You have nailed it!! I completely agree!! It was a beautiful love story and little Jack had established a “fatherly” relationship with Lucas! There is simply nothing in common with Nathan. He is so socially awkward, has nothing in common with Elizabeth, always sees the glass half empty (like Bill), and acts like a bitvof a buffoon!

  19. What has ruined the show was creating a love triangle! It has divided the fan base but hopefully everyone will continue watching because of all the great characters!
    Chris may be some people’s favorite character but there are many, many more who prefer Kevin McGarry because of he and Erin Krakow’s awesome chemistry from day one. I think this live story will nlow people away if they would give it a chance!

  20. I really think Chris McNally is a talented actor..Handsome with dimples. The story line is making me crazy.

  21. Contrary to most I like the fact that Nathan and Elizabeth are being paired. They have a great bond together they can raise their two children together and maybe have their own. He has some of the same qualities Jack did since he’s also a mountie. Elizabeth and Luke just seemed too story book perfect. Nathan seems to have a harder time expressing himself at times and isn’t that how it is in a lot of relationships. That’s how we grow. I think somebody should be brought into Lucas’s life so he can be happy too.

  22. The legacy of Hallmarks flagship series
    has been tarnished beyond repair.
    There is no rhyme nor reason for the retcon.
    The character’s we thought we once knew are
    Now unrecognizable. In the process of destroying
    Lucas , they have also destroyed the “character “
    of Elizabeth.

  23. What happened to Elizabeth’s book wagon? With their love of books I envisioned her and Lucas using it to bring books to children who didn’t have them. Nathan’s okay but a bit boring. It’s Elizabaths character that has become silly.. I’m still watching but I fast forward through her parts. I have always loved this show but she seems shallow and I can’t get past it. She has lost all credibility. I realize her character has lots of fans and I was one .but she began to aggravate me in season nine. I skipped some of 10. I imagine the show will go on but the vertict is still out on whether I will continue to watch.

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