
The Daily Planet generates two digital forms of print style media. We pay homage to the classic broad sheet newspaper with our Online Editions and modernize the publication with our seasonal magazine. Both are free to download, read and /or print.

Online Edition

The familiar classic broadsheet is available in digital format, so you can read and download the latest issue of the Planet wherever, whenever. The Planet’s online editions are published semi regularly on almost all of our online platforms.


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The Daily Planet Magazine is a seasonal publication published four times a year. In an effort to bring the Planet into the modern era of journalism, we are focusing on online coverage in a visual way while covering stories that matter.


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For prints from across the multiverse explore our Planet Archives.

The truth. Maybe it’s an archaic concept these days, but I live by it. I’ve given my word to the people of this city that the Planet will always report the truth. No matter the risk. Somebody has to take a stand.

Perry White